Funeral Streaming & Memorial Streaming / Video Services working across the UK — Funeral Live Streaming Services - Funeral Videographer

Funeral Live Streaming Services - Funeral Videographer

Live Funeral Streaming & Funeral Videography

Funeral Streaming, Funeral Videographer, Funeral Video, Funeral TV hire, funeral sound and funeral photography. Please visit our website for more info

Funeral Video Editing of Crematorium video and streams that they send you.

Of course not everybody is lucky enough to have a funeral streamed or filmed by us. As we know most crematoriums now have webcams which of course is nothing like we produce but it is cheap and it is ‘there’ and some is better than others but generally the quality is awful which you only realise after the funeral day as nobody tells you.

Also because of the way Orbitus and Westley Media work in crematoriums any videos you might play on the TV you cannot see as its too far away for the camera and audio tributes that might be played from phones into the crematoriums microphone system is also poor quality

One of the services we can offer is trying to improve the downloaded video they send you so you have something much nice to keep as a memorial video and to re share with those that might of missed .

We can add photos in, replace music with the original tracks, replace audio tributes with the originals, include the videos they play full screen

We think this is important that you have the opportunity to do this for you loved ones.

We recently helped a lady to do this. We added photos of her brother, replaced the video tributes, replaced the audio tributes and added a photo or 2 to make it nicer. Our client is ever so pleased we helped her.

Just to let you know we have been asked on occasions to come in and film the crematorium service ourselves with our kit and also film and add in the cortege arrivals which of course crematoriums cameras never ever see.

Please see below a recent example

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 One of our own stories... 

I have recently gone to my uncle’s service. It was a very moving service and a celebration about his life and all the things, he had done. It was tearful but also laughter at the things he did and the way he was.  He really was quite a character.

Many of my relatives could not make it to the service, some are too old to safely make it, some were not very able people and others just live in a different part of the world.

They would have loved to have watched the service later that evening the same day or the following day  just so they could feel part of the love, laughter and help with closure.

07766 754944 or click the link below

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Phone or text us on 07766 - 754944
